I finally got an offer for a job. Let me start by saying that I was fired from my job a year ago November, so I am very grateful for this opportunity to get back into working. It deffinately is not my dream job, and I am still looking for something more 9-5 Monday through Friday, but I am very happy to not be worried about congress extending unemployment.
Our daughter is getting closer and closer to being two and boy can you tell. She is becoming ever more independent and even more strong willed. I see now how strong of a woman she will be, and how much work she is going to put us through. But I wouldn't have it any other way. We also have noticed that we are having to hold strong to our rules and not give in for one offs. The biggest hurdle we have is our daughters addiction to her "bubba" (pacifier), she is a total addict, lets put it this way when she goes to bed she has three she sleeps with, one for her mouth and one in each hand. Well in the past when she was tiered or we were going to snuggle on the couch and watch a movie we would allow her to have it, however now any time she has a shoo on she starts demanding the bubba. Time to crack back down to bubba only in bed. This will be a hard struggle especially when we start the weening process.
We are starting to plan for her birthday and this is so difficult. We have so much family and friends (that we are so grateful for this problem) that last year on her first birthday it was a mess of gifts and people. This year we were thinking of splitting up and having a friends and family separate, but then its hard to plan two parties. So we decided to just have it all together in one area that the kids can run and play and there will be beer to help calm the nerves. Wish us luck with this.
I am still trying to get into the habit of posting as much as I read.
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